The SimpsonsOpens in a new tab have been on all kinds of merchandise since they became a pop culture phenomenon thirty years ago. Yes, even shoesOpens in a new tab. But, leave it to fans to make the ultimate in Springfield-inspired footwear. Via Boing BoingOpens in a new tab, we’ve discovered the work of Sarah Kelleher. Her Instagram page Steamed VansOpens in a new tab has a metric ton of Vans with various characters, both iconic and obscure, from The Simpsons. You can check out some of our favorites down below:
The infamous “mortified Homer sinking into the bushes” moment came from season five’s “Homer Loves FlandersOpens in a new tab.” But it has since become one of the most used memes in the history of memes. And now, it’s also a sneaker.
Remember when Homer ate a dangerous chili grown by Guatemalan psychiatric patients and went on a wild hallucinogenic tripOpens in a new tab? Well, this classic Simpson moment is now immortalized in these shoes. In two different sizes even!
Simpsons fans have a special place in their heart for Hank ScorpioOpens in a new tab, despite his appearing in just one episode. The evil genius and CEO of the Globex Corporation gets his own sneaker, with glow-in-the-dark fire coming from his flamethrower even.
Donut-head Homer is one of the best parts from Treehouse of Terror IVOpens in a new tab, and has been immortalized in action figures, Funko Pops, and now, shoes. Chief Wiggum has never looked more menacing.
Speaking of Treehouse of Terror, Kang and Kodos beam down in these amazing sneakers too. Who doesn’t love these two?

One of the most memorable moments of The Simpsons’ peak years was their Planet of the Apes musical. The song “Dr. Zaius” remains forever embedded into our brains. So it’s nice to see it get some love too. “I was wrong! It was Earth, all along!Opens in a new tab” Troy McLure, you are irreplaceable.
Snuggly Homer is our favorite Homer.
Bart and Lisa, the Simpsons‘ proverbial lil’ Devil and lil’ Angel.
“Everything’s coming up MilhouseOpens in a new tab.” Yes, we all feel this Milhouse energy going into 2022.
And alongside those shoes, Steamed Vans also has an Etsy shop where she’s created other items adorned with Simpsons art. To purchase some of these amazing custom shoes yourself, head on over to the SteamedVans Etsy shopOpens in a new tab.