Many shows have undead creatures, but none of those shows are quite like The Last of Us. The not-so-zombie monsters—whether they are clickers, runners, or bloaters—and their gnarly appearance are still quite the threat in this universe, even though humans are worse. And just like actors Pedro Pascal and Bella Ramsey portray our lead characters Joel and Ellie, real people contribute to bringing those monsters to life too. In this fascinating and lowkey unsettling video, we see a pair of The Last of Us voice actors—Misty Lee and Phillip Kovats—make those scary clicker sounds that signal danger.
Interestingly, both actors also voiced the creatures in the games. Talk about a really cool job! And the sounds they make keep us up at night. While The Last of Us season one did focus quite a bit on character development, we did get some serious clicker and bloater action, from their hive mind capabilities to those terrifying sounds.

We can’t speak for everyone, but we want more clickers in season two.