The Boys season fourOpens in a new tab’s fifth episode is a doozy. There’s a heap of blood, guts, gore, murderous farm animals, and more. We even see Gen V’s Cate Dunlap and Sam Riordan Opens in a new tabfor a brief cameo at a Hall H Comic-Con style event promoting their new comedy series. A lot of funny and shocking things happen but the episode ends with heartbreak. The effect of Compound VOpens in a new tab on Hughie’s dad is absolutely devastating, proving that Butcher is actually right sometimes.

At the end of episode four, Hughie’s dad comes out of his coma after an injection of Compound V. In this episode, we find out that Hughie’s mom gave it to him after Hughie hesitated to do so. At first, everything seems cool as they laugh, reminisce, and are a family again. But Hughie notices that his father is having a hard time remembering certain things. He goes to grab a Snapple for his dad while his mom is in the restroom. Upon returning, his mom is back, but Mr. Campbell is missing.
Hughie and his mom frantically look for him, only to find him standing stoically in a room with a bloody heart in his hand after accidentally killing a hospital worker. Hughie tries to get him to calm down so he can explain what’s going on, but a nurse comes in and panics. She alerts security and Hughie’s dad shakily teleports and runs through a wall. He accidentally kills more people and is frightened by his uncontrollable actions.

Hughie once again tries to talk to him but he doesn’t recognize his own son anymore. Instead, he believes Hughie is eleven years old again and becomes enraged at the sight of his estranged wife. He nearly kills her before Hughie steps in to talk him down. Both Hughie and his mom know that his father cannot live this way. Hughie decides to give his father a fatal dose of a drug to help him die peacefully. They bid him a tearful farewell as Hughie’s dad admits that he’s afraid. He calls his son “Wee Hughie,” a reference to Hughie’s comic moniker, and dies shortly afterward.

Even if Hughie’s dad hadn’t taken that Compound V, he was going to succumb to his massive brain injury in a short amount of time. Like Kimiko and Butcher previously told Hughie, you cannot save everyone and sometimes you simply have to let people go. Watching a beloved parent die in front of your eyes is one of the worst pains a person can imagine (I’ve experienced it in real-life), so it is understandable why Hughie didn’t want to let go of his father.
We don’t know what this means for him in the future but hopefully Hughie can continue to heal his relationship with his mom. And, it is yet another scenario that affirms the awful dangers and side effects of Compound V.