Texas ChainPaw Is Adoption for Horror Film Lookalike Pets

Pets always have a huge part to play in horror movies. What would The Silence of the Lambs be without Precious, the Bichon Frise? Or Alien without Jones the cat? Of course, there’s the GOAT horror pet. That’s Winston Churchill from Pet Sematary. So what if you want to adopt a pet that reminds you of one of these horror icons? There’s now a way you can. Via Bloody-Disgusting, we’ve discovered a service called Texas ChainPaw Massacre. It helps finds pets to adopt that look like iconic animals from horror cinema.

Winston Churchill is maybe horror cinema's most iconic evil pet. Adopt a lookalike from Texas ChainPaw.

Paramount Pictures

Texas ChainPaw Massacre began in April of 2019, by two sisters who love pets and horror movies. They scour the internet for pets that are currently looking for a home, matching them with ones fans have seen in horror movies throughout the years. They share links to adopt these pets via their Twitter and Instagram.

Their official tagline is “Saving animals one horror movie at a time” The mission statement of Texas ChainPaw is simple: “we find adoptable animals in shelters, rescues, or foster homes that are doppelgangers of often unappreciated animals in horror movies.” Down below is a just a few examples of our favorite good boys and girls.

Does horror cinema get more iconic than John Carpenter’s Halloween? In that film, Lester the dog senses Michael Myers prowling about. Maybe his lookalike Ambrose can protect you from silent slashers too.

Rufus from Re-Animator was about as real as Salem from the ’90s version of Sabrina. But this Salem is for sure a real feline.

Dogs can sense when your teenage brother is turning into a vampire. The Lost Boys taught us that.

One example is Zeus from last year’s The Invisible Man. His IRL doppelganger is Indiana Jones. Wrong genre name, but adorable pooch.

Not exactly horror, but Hocus Pocus is horror adjacent, right? Simon here is a cat who looks just like Binx from the ’90s cult classic.

There wasn’t only an evil goat in The Witch. There was also an adorable doggo named Fowler, whose real-life double Rhett is looking for a foster. He just wants to live deliciously too.

There are a lot more adorable animals to check out and to hopefully adopt, if you head on over to Texas ChainPaw Massacre and have a look.

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