Take a Tour of the LEGO Death Star With This Awesome Stop Motion Animation

There isn’t one of us who doesn’t instantly revert back to childhood when standing in the LEGO aisle or taking a pilgrimage to a LEGO store. Remember when you were a kid, and you’d stare at that big wall of LEGO build kits, find the most intricate one, and with your optimistic child mind, still untainted by the stark realities of motor skills, attention span, and wily younger siblings, thinking I can build this?

Then that cold, unforgiving sting of reality would hit you when you sat, back in your room, endless LEGO pieces strewn precariously about your floor. You would try to make sense of the instructions, but ultimately realize you could not build the masterpiece on the box, and ultimately just opt for building several small “houses” which were really just LEGO cubes, but you’d assure yourself that this was no failure. You were simply too creative to be bound by the rules of instructions for LEGO fun.

Anybody? Just me?

Regardless of how successful your LEGO endeavors have been, there is something truly impressive about a person successfully completing an intricate LEGO kit. YouTuber Bart van Dijk is an expert at not only completing some rad-looking LEGO builds, but also creating truly delightful stop-motion animations to go with the builds. Bart recently completed set number 75159, the Star Wars Death Star kit, and after expertly placing over 4,000 LEGO pieces, he managed to bring one of the most infamous space stations to life.

This isn’t Bart’s first foray into the world of stop-motion LEGO building. His YouTube channel is filled with other amazing videos like his creation of the Beatles Yellow Submarine, Wall-E, a VW bus, and even the damn U.S. Capitol building. You can easily lose hours watching his totally amazing and mesmerizing builds.

So go, watch, and be inspired to re-ignite your own passion for LEGO building. In the comments, be sure to tell us one of your favorite successful (or unsuccessful, no shame here) LEGO build stories!

Feature Image: Bart van Dijk/Youtube

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