A couple obsessed with Halloween and Stranger ThingsOpens in a new tab are putting on quite the show in their yard in Plainfield, Illinois, just outside of Chicago. The garage is covered in Upside Down vines, Billy’s grave and Demogorgons line the driveway, and a possessed Max hangs from midair. They show off the decorations on the @horrorprops TikTok channelOpens in a new tab, including some behind the scenes and instructional videos. The illusions are amazing, as are the secrets behind them.
The levitation must be a sight to see in person. A life-sized, perfectly costumed Max hangs in the air just like in the show. She’s even got headphones on, hopefully playing “Running Up That HillOpens in a new tab” on repeat.
There’s also a version of Max sitting in front of Billy’s grave, which is a build they share a how-to post about. They sometimes have to take levitating Max down due to bad weather, but the chiming clock, vines, and other parts of the experience remain in place.

We heard about these hard core fans on DesignTAXIOpens in a new tab. It must be disconcerting to look out the window and see a child suspended in the air. The neighbors are probably used to it by now though, based on the fact that the couple has posted about their elaborate Halloween decorations for years. Their Facebook pageOpens in a new tab shows the couple has been busy for months. They made much of the Upside Down out of pool noodles and aluminum foil, but it looks extremely realistic thanks to their techniques.
For those who want to know how they got Max to levitate, the video below shows a little hint. They strung fishing line between a streetlight and the house. Surprise! Obviously it’s not real, but it’s still a really impressive feat.
Melissa is Nerdist’s science & technology staff writer. She also moderates “science of” panels at conventions and co-hosts Star WarsologiesOpens in a new tab, a podcast about science and Star Wars. Follow her on Twitter @melissatruthOpens in a new tab.