STRANGER THINGS D&D Starter Set Brings the Past and Present Together

If you're a longtime Dungeons & Dragons player, chances are the first image that comes to mind when you think "D&D" is the iconic red box set from 1983. No matter how old you are, the red box and its glorious Larry Elmore cover will always be a symbol of imagination and wonder, an endless supply of adventure stashed in a well-loved cardboard box that's barely holding together. stranger-things-108 Netflix's Stranger Things has long paid tribute to that era of Dungeons & Dragons from its very first episode; one of its most terrifying creatures even comes straight from the game. So it's not a surprise--but it is a delight!--to see a new red box Dungeons & Dragons Starter Set hit store shelves, this time inspired by the hit television series. The Stranger Things D&D Starter Set comes with everything you need to start playing Dungeons & Dragons, including the rule book, an adventure book, dice, Stranger Things character sheets, and two minis of the Demogorgon. According to the product description, the box includes an adventure that includes a one-of-a-kind monster "created" by series character Mike.D&D Stranger Things Stranger Things has been inspiring a new generation of Dungeons & Dragons players, so this set holds the same promise of adventure that many of us enjoyed in the 1980s--but this time the only "panic" will probably be how to find this popular set still on store shelves, thankfully. The Stranger Things Dungeons & Dragons Starter Set is out this May for a retail price of $24.99.

Images: Hasbro / Netflix

Article originally posted on Geek & Sundry.