THE LAST JEDI Has New Space Jewelry Because of Carrie Fisher

The costumes in Star Wars films help tell a story, as do the accessories. Think about Jyn’s necklace in Rogue One. Or, remember the bold silver necklace Leia wore at the ceremony at the end of A New Hope? The necklace, called chalcedony waves, was handed down from woman to woman in the House of Organa. Besides having history, the statement piece looks stunning–as does a piece of jewelry worn by Rose Tico in the The Last Jedi.

Entertainment Weekly (EW) shared a new photo of Rose on Thursday, and she’s wearing a crescent shaped necklace. Actor Kelly Marie Tran confirmed to EW that the accessory is significant to Rose’s backstory. And it sounds like Rose ended up with the necklace because of Carrie Fisher.

When a fan asked Episode VIII director and writer Rian Johnson what was up with the accessories like Rose’s necklace and a ring Poe Dameron‘s wearing around his neck, Johnson replied with the best possible answer: “In rehearsals Carrie grabbed my arm and told me with great urgency that we needed “space jewelry.” I thought that was a fabulous idea. So.”

Space. Jewelry. This advice sounds like one of the most Carrie Fisher things I can think of, and it makes me ridiculously happy. Johnson could be joking, but well, can’t you hear Fisher discussing the importance of space jewelry? In addition to wearing Leia gear on opening night of The Last Jedi, I think we should all wear lots of space jewelry, replicas of Star Wars flair or our own pizzazz.

Do you like the prospect of seeing space jewelry in The Last Jedi? What have been your favorite accessories in Star Wars so far? Drop into hyperspace and head to the comments to share your thoughts.

Images: Lucasfilm/Disney

Amy Ratcliffe is an Associate Editor for Nerdist. She likes Star Wars a little. Follow her on Twitter.

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