Despite Captain Marvel not coming to theaters until March 8, and Avengers: Endgame set for an April 26 release date, today we got the first trailer for the next entry into the MCU, Spider-Man: Far From Home. The big takeaway was obvious. No, we don’t mean how Peter Parker and Nick Fury are no longer piles of dust, we’re talking about how thirsty the internet is for Jake Gyllenhaal’s well-coiffed Mysterio. But the teaser had a whole lot more to offer than a handsome new character, including tons of great Spidey Easter eggs, clues to the film’s main plot, and signs of what might happen when Earth’s mightiest heroes try to undo the Mad Titan’s Snapture. On today’s (potentially spoiler-filled) episode of Nerdist News, host Jessica Chobot is breaking down all of the hidden secrets we caught in our own Spider-sleuthing web.[brightcove video_id=”5989801532001″ brightcove_account_id=”3653334524001″ brightcove_player_id=”rJs2ZD8x”]
From flirty aunts and Happy sidekicks holding big checks with interesting signatures, to subtle references to iconic Spidery characters and classic comic book story lines, to a would-be villain acting heroically, there are details both big and small for fans of the beloved webslinger to enjoy. But the teaser doesn’t just hold lots of clues for what we can expect for both this film, it might also tell us what will happen during its Snap-Undoing predecessor, Avengers: Endgame. Is this first Far From Home trailer our greatest sign yet that Marvel fans are in for a whole lot of pain when the survivors of Thanos’s universe-halving try to undo it?That’s too painful to think about right now. Maybe we should just focus on Mysterio some more.But what do you think? What’s the most important detail you saw in this trailer? What does it portend for Endgame? Share your thoughts with us in the comments below.