It’s a valid question. The first Twilight movie was released in 2008, if you can believe it. That’s nearly twenty years ago. But it seems like the Twilight haters have still not given up the ghost, or the undead sparkle vampire, as the case may be. Some Twilight naysayers feel strongly that the movie ruined the vampire genre, and they still feel the need to tell Robert Pattinson, who played Edward Cullen, about it. But Pattinson has one central message for those who are still stuck on Twilight ruining vampires and somehow also their lives forever: move on. And we couldn’t agree more.

Vampires must be incredibly weak if one campy movie trilogy can ruin their entire existence. If you don’t like Twilight, we have a truly mind-blowing suggestion for you. Just don’t watch it. And certainly don’t waste your time telling Robert Pattinson about it because he doesn’t care. When asked about reactions to Twilight, Pattinson shared, “I love that people keep telling me, ‘Man, Twilight ruined the vampire genre.’ Are you still stuck on that s—? How can you be sad about something that happened almost 20 years ago? It’s crazy.”
In the past, Pattinson has been tough on Twilight himself, noting things like, “I mean, it’s a weird story, Twilight. It’s strange how people responded.” and “I thought there were definitely bits that were very romantic. But to me, I thought it was a pretty weird story. and even when I was promoting it, I was pretty open about how strange I thought it was when I was doing it.” He’s even confessed to having an onset attitude so bad it nearly got him fired.
But it seems like, 20 years on, Pattinson is over his Twilight haterade and things you should be too. After all, insisting that Twilight could ruin the vampire genre is inadvertently giving it a lot of credit. So let’s all unstick from these sparkly vamps and just accept them as the part of vampiric history they have become.