Pringles Releases Limited Edition Thanksgiving-Flavored Chips

Get your napkins out and your salivary glands activated because we are at flavor-blast-alert five, people! The alert comes thanks to Pringles releasing a new line-up of chips with flavors inspired by various Thanksgiving foods. It sounds crazy, but these concoctions kind of make sense when you consider how many classic (albeit low budget) Turkey Day meal components already come in cans.

News of these glorious new Thanksgiving chips, which comes via Foodbeast, arrives roughly a year after Pringles first teased grease-intolerant consumers with a whole range of Thanksgiving-inspired flavors including stuffing, turkey, mashed potatoes, creamed corn, mac & cheese, cranberry sauce, green bean casserole, and pumpkin pie. That extremely limited test run eventually came to an end, unfortunately, but it seems the three flavors were popular enough to re-enter production this year.

The three flavors that managed to garner enough love to live on in 2018 are Turkey, Stuffing, and Pumpkin Pie, and honestly those seem like pretty good picks, right? “I just ate some Green Bean Casserole Pringles” seems like a sentence few people would ever utter without a tinge of regret in their voice.

The press release for the chips notes the Turkey Pringles are aimed at emulating traditional oven roasted turkey flavors, the Stuffing on– you guessed it–herb-y stuffing, and the Pumpkin Pie on “your grandma’s [sweet and spiced] recipe.”  This sounds great and all, but maybe Pringles should retract that statement because there are definitely some litigious pie-baking grannies out there.Make sure to get your hands on these silos of Thanksgiving goodness soon, as it seems they will again only be offered for a limited time. They can be bought here for $14.99. Yes, that is about ten times more than a normal can; this is because all three flavors will come inside of mini cans, which themselves will come inside of a larger can.What are your thoughts on this new Pringles lineup? Are you down to try them or is this a turducken of fowl flavors? Let us know in the comments, little gobblers!

Images: Kellogg’sÂ