Playing Games: The Best Board Games to Bring on Your Next Date

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The first few dates with someone new can be a bit nerve-wracking, so I suggest adding a bit of fun into the mix. Board games can be an incredible way to quickly get to know someone and it can take some of the typical first date pressure off. These 2-player games are good for first dates, but also for any couples looking to add a bit of strategy and cooperation to their dating life.

Tip: Try something with a cooperative gameplay.  If you’re working towards a common goal together, this means more communication and may help give you an idea of how you might work together as a team in life.

Forbidden Island and Forbidden Desert

Forbidden Island Forbidden Desert

Photo Credit: Gamewright

There two sibling games involve a very similar set of rules and both are great for new people just getting to know one another. These are purely cooperative games where players are forced to work together in a race against time. They’re both fun, easy to learn, and fairly inexpensive. Forbidden Island is a simpler game while Forbidden Desert involves more complicated game mechanics. To get you into the mood for surviving the elements, sit down with that special someone to check out our TableTop team take on Forbidden Island and Forbidden Desert.

Castle Panic

Castle Panic

Photo Credit: Fireside Games

In this cooperative game, you strategize with your fellow player to defend your castle against a horde of evil monsters. While you and your partner live or die together, one of you will be declared the Master Slayer, so for those of you with a competitive streak, this may be a good balance.

Tip: Find games that require real strategy. It’ll help you gauge your date’s problem-solving skills and give you a chance to show off that big brain of yours.


442200920 BT_FINAL.pdfPhoto Credit: Hasbro

This game is an absolute classic and for good reason. It is cheap, simple to learn (though hard to master) and gives your strategic mind a chance to shine.

Star Trek Catan

Star Trek Catan

Photo Credit:

This geeky twist on a classic strategy game gives you a choice between simply following your own best interests or actively hindering your opponent. You can build space stations, travel the universe, and maybe learn a bit more about your date’s competitive streak. Playing anything else would be highly illogical.

Tip: Have options. Include some longer and shorter games in case the date is going really well (or really poorly).

Race for the Galaxy

Race for the Galaxy

Photo Credit: Rio Grande Games

This is a more complicated game that can be made even more so with a variety of expansion packs. Once you get to know the rules, you can play a fairly quick game and while it’s not cooperative, it doesn’t have a real competitive vibe either. Race for the Galaxy would be fun to explore together and really focuses on strategy.

Roll for It!

Roll for It

Photo Credit: Calliope Games

This is a compact game that’s easy to stash in your bag and is super easy to learn and play. Buy both the red and purple decks to add more variety (and die colors) and enjoy a nice, quick game with your date. If you want to see how the game rolls out, check out Wil and the rest of the TableTop crew in this episode.

These are just a few examples of the many 2-player games available out there. Check out more Geek & Sundry coverage of new and favorite games here. Let’s hear about your suggestions for date night games below.

Feature Image Credit: Gamewright