Although for some, figure skating is about how many jumps you can land and how complicated they are, technical elements don’t always make for the best programs. In most cases, the best skating, at the Olympics and otherwise, comes from the heart. And what could be more heartfelt than the rattling breaths of Darth Vader? Nothing if you ask us. During the Men’s Olympics figure skating competition, French skater Adam Siao Him Fa skated to a dubstep remix of Star Wars music. And this Star Wars Olympics skating program had us at the edge of our seats. Cheer for this, we will.
Although the above video is not from the Olympics, Adam Siao Him Fa skated the same routine during the Beijing games. And honestly, iconic. I for one recognized this was going to be a Star Wars skate before the music even started. Siao Him Fa’s outfit said Anakin Skywalker loud and clear. Or does his homage to Vader make him more of a Kylo Ren? Something to ponder. Either way, Vader’s iconic gasps soon filled the ice and didn’t feel like a surprise. But it did feel like a delight.

And Siao Him Fa proceeded to use the Force as he jumped, twirled, and yes, engaged in a gliding lightsaber duel throughout his deliciously nerdy program. We’re pretty sure props aren’t allowed at an Olympics skate, but we hope one day Siao Him Fa actually pulls out a lightsaber to complete the look. The Imperial March made for an inspiring soundtrack, we must say.
If every Olympics skating program (or any routine really) could feature a nerdy twist, that would suit us just fine. Siao Him Fa may not end up with the gold, but becoming a fandom sensation feels like a pretty good prize to us. Maybe the upcoming Disney+ Kenobi show can feature Anakin with a part-time skating hobby. Anakin and Obi-Wan as a pairs couple? We’ve definitely read that fic before. In the meanwhile, we’ll rewatch this program. Adam Siao Him Fa, a true Jedi (and ice) Master. (Or is that Sith Lord.)