There’s something in the water when it comes to content on streamers. And that something is not good. So far in recent history, we’ve seen HBO Max, Showtime, and more removing their own content from their platforms. And now, Netflix is joining that notorious list. Netflix will remove Arrested Development from its library on March 14. And that includes seasons four and five, which are Netflix produced.

Arrested Development has been a long-standing hit for Netflix. In 2012, Netflix saved the show and eventually elected to create two new seasons for it. But now the tides have turned. And whether and where fans can watch the show after it departs from Netflix becomes a question with no answer.
Streamers lose and gain content all the time. But when the content in question is their own, the true danger of keeping content on streaming rears its head. We assume that, like Westworld and other shows, Arrested Development will end up on a FAST channel after it leaves Netflix. (That’s Free Ad-supported Streaming TV.) But in this environment, it seems hard to feel confident.
For now, you can watch Arrested Development on the platform until it leaves Netflix in March.