The collectible fantasy card game Magic: The Gathering has been an institution for over thirty years. It has inspired video games, comic books, and novels alike. But despite announcing many a Magic: The Gathering TV or movie project over the years, most recently for Netflix, nothing ever came of them. Now, Magic: The Gathering is back from the dead at Netflix. The streamer has officially announced that a Magic: The Gathering animated event series is now in production, with a new creative direction from showrunner Terry Matalas. Folks may know Matalas as the showrunner of Star Trek: Picard’s popular third season. He is also the main creative voice behind Marvel Studios’ upcoming series about the android Avenger, the Vision.

The new Magic: The Gathering event series is made in partnership with Hasbro Entertainment and Wizards of the Coast, longtime owner of the franchise. A few years back, they announced that Netflix cast Brandon Routh from Superman Returns and Legends of Tomorrow in a lead role. Only that iteration of a Magic: The Gathering Netflix series never made it off the drawing board. Brandon Routh confirmed to Collider recently that despite recording lines for it, Netflix completely scrapped the version he was in.
This time, it seems production has at least begun on the new Magic: The Gathering series project. So it will likely see the light of day. Netflix describes this card-inspired creation as an “event series,” meaning that there is no guarantee of additional seasons. Event series seems to be the new word for mini-series. We are not sure what the plot of this new Magic: The Gathering series will be. We also have no idea which iteration of the franchise they will be drawing from. Also, we still have no clue as to when it’s actually dropping on the streaming service. Here’s hoping Netflix finally does justice to the iconic game that so many fans love the world over. Magic: The Gathering series, here we come!