Forty-three years after leading the Knights Who Say NI!, Monty Python stalwart Michael Palin is going to receive an honest-to-goodness real knighthood. Via the official Monty Python website, he is quoted as saying he would “just have a quiet celebration, just myself and a glass of Horlicks and then go to bed.” We’d suggest a mug rather than a glass, since Horlicks is usually served very hot, but that Sir Palin likes to do things eccentrically.Palin’s induction doesn’t necessarily mean the rest of the Pythons are likely to follow, as the knighthood is being granted not for contributions to irreverent comedy, but rather “for services to travel, culture and geography,” as he has hosted travel shows for some years now. We suspect that’s a technicality and the Queen secretly likes the Pythons’ humor, but who can say for sure?
Image: Sony Picture Home Entertainment