The demand for more representation and inclusion in Hollywood continues to be an ongoing conversation. Actors like Viola Davis and Thandie continually speak out sexism, stereotypes, and being paid less than their White counterparts. Some people in decision-making capacities say they will work to enact real change. But many have yet to do the actual work. Michael B. Jordan isn’t one of them. The actor and CEO of Outlier Society is partnering with Color of Change to launch #ChangeHollywood, a project to invest in Black content.
The Hollywood Reporter broke the exclusive news about Jordan’s new venture. #ChangeHollywood lays out a specific plan with ways to support Black communities, Black talent, and non-racist content. Companies, executive leaders, staff, and industry talent have recommendations and resources to support following through with the plan. A partnership will provide directories, templates, writer’s room advice, auditing guidance, and consulting sessions.

Here’s what Jordan had to say about his latest push for inclusion and diversity in Hollywood.
“This roadmap is just the beginning of the journey to racial justice. We are all accomplices in the fight to transform Hollywood, and we invite content creators and industry leaders to join us in working together to #ChangeHollywood. We look forward to including a variety of voices in doing what we do best: telling authentic stories, bringing people together, partnering with influential artists, and changing the rules of the game.”
The roadmap encourages people to do what they can at the organizational level they currently occupy to effect change. The first call to action is divesting from the police. The initiative asks Hollywood to hire independent security, stop contributing to police unions, and encourage local governments to invest more in Black communities. #ChangeHollywood then asks people to invest in anti-racist content and authentic Black stories. This means hiring consultants and experts to help accurately depict Black life and dedicating a budget for producing/marketing Black content. It also calls for multiple senior-level Black executives with decision making power in organizations.

The third step is investing in Black talent. This includes adopting an Inclusion Rider, disclosing information about organizational diversity, and funding independent audits for accountability, among other things. The final step is investing in Black communities by working with Black-owned businesses, anti-racist brands, and programs that empower Black people. Further details about the four tenets will surely make their way to Color of Change‘s website.
It’s always thrilling to see someone use their star power to effect change. Michael B. Jordan’s #ChangeHollywood initiative is a powerful move towards seeing Hollywood shift its course.
Featured Image: Vogue/YouTube