Take a Marvel Movie Video Tour of New York City

New York City is hardly hurting for big screen representation. Decades of major motion pictures have used the Big Apple as a backdrop, mining the city for its unmatched pulp and flavor. All this considered, there's something especially exciting about the way the Marvel Cinematic Universe uses and depicts NYC—not just one corner of it like most movies, mind you, but new regions with every entry in the franchise. So far, we've seen the MCU set up camp in locations like the ever-chic Greenwich Village, buzzy Sunnyside, Queens, picturesque Central Park, and the reliably dreadful Midtown, among others. In fact, Vanity Fair has produced the below video detailing a comprehensive rundown of all the MCU's New York spots.

If you're from New York City, the video serves as a fun medley of the familiar and the fantastical. If you're from anywhere else, it might just inspire a Marvel-infused tour next time you visit. And since this hefty tour could take all day, here are a few pointers on fueling up: try the coffee and baked goods near Doctor Strange's pad and the Southeast Asian cuisine in Peter Parker's neighborhood.If you're a true completist, know that the Staten Island Ferry—where Spidey and Iron Man teamed up against the Vulture—is only worth the view on the way back to the city, and that Coney Island's amusement park—where Spidey took on the Vulture by himself (man, that movie really got around!)—is closed between September and May. And seriously, don't spend too much time near Stark Tower. (Ugh, Midtown...)Which Marvel movie location would you most like to visit? Let us know!

Featured Image: Disney/Marvel