Keanu Reeves Left a Lovely Message on a Fan’s Lawn

We might live in a highly partisan, highly divided world where it seems no one can agree on anything, including things like basic human decency, but that’s only mostly true. Keanu Reeves currently sports an approval rating of 103%, with a margin of error around “you’d have to be insane not to like him.” Not only did he give the world John Wick 3 and Toy Story 4‘s Duke Caboom this year, he continues to be a source of positivity wherever he goes. That includes going the extra mile to let someone know they too are “breathtaking,” like he did recently when he pulled over to autograph a yard sign, without even being asked to.

Bill & Ted Face the Music writer Ed Solomon shared a quick story with on Twitter with images of what happened when Keanu Reeve’s saw a handmade lawn poster that said “YOU’RE BREATHTAKING” while driving to the set of the movie. The actor stopped the car so he could write “Stacey, you’re breathtaking!” along with his signature.

Well played, Stacey… whoever you are.

If you’ve been closely following the Year of Keanu that 2019 has become, you’ll know that “breathtaking” has become the unofficial word to truly capture how fans feel about the actor. When he made a surprise appearance at this year’s E3, where his role in Cyberpunk was revealed, a fan in the audience screamed out, “You’re breathtaking,” to which he replied, “You’re breathtaking! You’re all breathtaking!”

Thanks Keanu. These days we can all afford to hear or read something like that. And, if there’s one thing we can all agree on, it really means something coming from you.

Featured Image: Netflix

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