Fan Mashes Up Josh Brolin’s Thanos and Cable for Amazing Sculpture

We think it’s safe to go ahead and call it — Summer 2018 is the summer of Josh BrolinOpens in a new tab. Not only has he ascended to the ranks of one of the best cinematic villains of all time with his portrayal of the Mad Titan ThanosOpens in a new tab in Avengers: Infinity WarOpens in a new tab, but he’s also starring as yet another MarvelOpens in a new tab icon, the futuristic cyborg anti-hero known as CableOpens in a new tab in the upcoming Deadpool 2Opens in a new tab. And if early reactions are to be believed, he kicks ass in that role as well. Brolin has become perhaps the first actor to successfully inhabit two major iconic characters from the Marvel Universe.

In tribute to Brolin’s two Marvelous performances this summer, we’ve learned, via Geeks Are SexyOpens in a new tab, about a sculptor named Steven RichterOpens in a new tab, who had decided to combine both the Thanos and Cable characters in his latest bust. While the jury is still out on who this character resembles more, Thanos or Cable, it’s nevertheless a mighty impressive work of art. In the video up above, you can see a timelapse of the sculpting process for his ultimate Marvel mash up character…who also kind of looks like a really weird pirate?? We’re just sayin.’

If you check out Richter’s YouTube channel, you can see several more of his amazing busts, including movie accurate pieces showcasing the HulkOpens in a new tab, ChewbaccaOpens in a new tab, and a non Cable-ized Thanos with his Infinity Gauntlet. He even has a Breaking BadOpens in a new tab/Walter White head sculpture that is eerily accurate to actor Bryan CranstonOpens in a new tab. Although maybe our favorite thing he’s made is the GhostbustersOpens in a new tab proton pack wall clock. Because who doesn’t want one of those??

What do you think of this amazing artistic tribute to Josh Brolin? Be sure to let us know what you think down below in the comments.

Images: Steven Richter

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