Directed by Jason Reitman (Up in the Air, Juno), the movie is an adaptation of the 2014 book All the Truth Is Out: The Week Politics Went Tabloid. The trailer touches on the major moments of Hart’s candidacy, which began with him as the best bet to be the Democratic nominee for president before it was discovered he was having an affair.
To think, there was a time in American history when a politician’s career could be ended because he lied about an affair…
Maybe in 30 years a whole new generation will need another political movie to explain when things changed like they did when Gary Hart turned major newspapers into tabloids.
The Front Runner arrives in theaters–when else–this November 7th.
How much did you know about this story? Are you excited to learn more about Gary Hart’s failed candidacy? We nominate you to share your thoughts with us in the comments below.
Featured Image: Columbia Pictures