New Graphic Novel Tells the Incredible Story of Genius Hedy Lamarr

Hedy Lamarr was nothing less than a force of nature. In case you don’t know, the acclaimed Austrian American actress  joined the efforts of World War II by creating complex radio systems to befuddle Nazis, and during that time she invented the technology that would later be adopted to create Bluetooth and Wi-Fi. Though her contributions to modern society are massive, many people only know her from her screen work. But writer William Roy and artist Sylvain Dorange are hoping to change with their new biographical graphic novel Hedy Lamarr: An Incredible Life.

Translated from the original French, the gorgeous comic from Humanoids is a celebration of the life and work of Lamarr, and it’s clear that the creators are huge admirers of the trailblazing inventor, devoting their story to her role in taking down the Nazi regime and inventing what would go on to make cell phones and the Internet possible.We’ve got an exclusive glimpse at a vital sequence from the comic—and Lamarr’s life—which sees Lamarr and famed American avant-garde composer George Antheil playing music together, which leads to Hedy having a major scientific breakthrough. Antheil would go on to co-create the famed frequency hopping radio guidance system that is now known as Spread Spectrum, and is the reason you can read this super cool piece! Check out the rest of the exclusive excerpt in the gallery below!Will you be picking up this brilliant historical comic when it drops on November 6? Just want to learn more about Hedy? Let us know below!

Images: Humanoids