Marvel Celebrates HAWKEYE and Christmas with a Sitcom Intro-Style Gag Reel

This week MCU fans got a whole new way to watch one of the franchise’s best shows. Hawkeye was among the latest Disney+ series to get its very own collector’s edition 4K UHD Blu-rayOpens in a new tab. We celebrated the occasion by bringing you an exclusive look at a bonus deleted sceneOpens in a new tab included on the home release. Now Marvel Studios is continuing the holiday party with an entertaining montage that captures the show’ festive setting. With Christmas just a couple of weeks away Disney gave Hawkeye its very own sitcom introduction-style gag reel. And even better? They set it to a classic Sammy Davis, Jr. song.

Clint, Kate, and everyone other star from Hawkeye are back in this behind-the-scenes video. It features heroes and villains alike having a good time during the show’s production.

*Old Wilson Fisk is apparently a real Scrooge about these things! But that’s fine, cause we got our very good boy Jolt to make us smile. JOLT!

Jeremy Renner smiling with a title card saying his name for a Hawkeye gag reel
Marvel Studios

What really makes this Hawkeye gag reel video sweeter than most gag reels isn’t just the delightful nature of the clips themselves. It’s that the whole thing is set to the iconic Sammy Davis, Jr.’s “Sweet Gingerbread Man.” Whether you know the song and love it or never heard it before this is a pitch perfect choice for this show, which was truly a Christmas delight.

The bonus deleted scene we debuted earlier this week and this very enjoyable gag reel are great reminders of why even “streaming shows” deserve the home release treatment. Simply watching a show is just one way to enjoy it. The great promise of DVDs was that they gave us so much more access to the films and shows we loved. And we really loved Hawkeye when it debuted. Now we have even more ways to love it.