The GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY 2 Cast Made Their Own AWESOME MIX (Playlist)

We’re hooked on a feeling that music fans are going to find a whole lot to love in Guardians of the Galaxy, VolOpens in a new tab2, especially on its soundtrack. Last week, we learned that the Awesome Mix, Vol. 2Opens in a new tab features some certified jams from the likes of Electric Light Orchestra, Fleetwood Mac, George Harrison, Parliament, and even David HasselhoffOpens in a new tab.

These are, of course, the choice tracks that the dearly departed Meredith Quill wished to share with her son, Peter Quill, the boy who would grow up to be Star-Lord. Just as Star-Lord went on to share his music with his fellow Guardians of the GalaxyOpens in a new tab, we wanted to get the cast of Guardians of the Galaxy to share their tunes with us too. So we sent our intrepid reporter Hector NavarroOpens in a new tab to the middle of Knowhere, a.k.a. a recent press day in Los Angeles, where he sat down with Chris PrattOpens in a new tab, Kurt RussellOpens in a new tab, Zoe SaldanaOpens in a new tab, Dave Bautista, Karen Gillan, Pom Klementieff, and writer-director James GunnOpens in a new tab to pick their brains about what would be on their personal Awesome Mixes.


You can hear their complete answers in the video above, but here’s a little sampling of what the cast is into:

Chris Pratt: The Highwaymen and Johnny Cash

Karen Gillan: Elvis Presley and Britney Spears

Pom Klementieff: Air and Blood Orange

Kurt Russell: Anything Sixties, but absolutely some ZZ Top

Dave Bautista: Everything from Iron Maiden to Wu-Tang Clan to Luciano Pavarotti

Zoe Saldana: Prince, Shakira, and the Gipsy Kings.

James Gunn: A little punk rock, some Swedish rock, and a little alternative hip hop. The Clash, Moneybrother, and Lyrics Born.

We’ve even assembled their answers into a handy-dandy Spotify playlist for your listening pleasure:

N.B.: This playlist was assembled in the order they were mentioned in the video above. We recommend playing it on shuffle to get a true mixture of all the diverse, wonderful personalities that make up the Guardians of the Galaxy, Vol. 2 cast and crew.

Guardians of the Galaxy, Vol. 2 opens on May 5, 2017. Read our spoiler-free reviewOpens in a new tab, then let us know what tracks would be on your Awesome Mix in the comments below!


Image: Disney/Marvel

Dan Casey is the senior editor of Nerdist and the author of books about Star WarsOpens in a new tab and the AvengersOpens in a new tab. Follow him on Twitter (@OsteoferociousOpens in a new tab).