Whether you’re having the 2021 you wanted or not, next year should be better for all of us. That will be true even if nothing actually improves between now and then. Because there’s at least one thing that will make 2022 superior: a new Girl Scout cookie. Only, this latest edition to the organization’s sweet treat lineup isn’t just a cookie. The all-new option combines two of our favorites into one delectable delight. Adventurefuls are a brownie cookie.
Girl Scouts of the USA has announced (in news we first heard at Fast Company) it’s 2022 cookie selection will include another first-time offering. The group did the same with this year’s batch, which features newcomer Toast-Yays. And Adventurefuls sound destined to take their place alongside the organization’s other delicious, waist-ruining snacks. Described as “indulgent,” the “brownie-inspired cookie” features caramel-flavored crème along with a “hint” of sea salt.
Our modest expectation is that we will eat a million of them. So roughly the same as all Girl Scouts cookies. That won’t be great for our health. (These cookies never are.) But as always, it will be great for the organization. As noted in the cookie’s official press release, sales will do a lot of good for a lot of girls.
“Every purchase of Adventurefuls, and the whole portfolio of iconic cookies, during cookie season, fuels local Girl Scouts’ adventures throughout the year: exploring what interests them, discovering their passions, and taking action on issues they care about. Whether they’re using their STEM skills to solve a problem, changing a law to help their community, having a courageous outdoor experience, or starting an innovative nonprofit, Girl Scouts build a better future for themselves and the world. Through the Girl Scout Cookie Program, not only do girls become entrepreneurs as they gain hands-on experience running their own small business, but they also earn money to fuel their Girl Scout adventures, which catapult them where they want to go.”
Introducing Adventurefuls™! 🤩 An indulgent brownie-inspired cookie with caramel-flavored crème and a hint of sea salt. Visit https://t.co/ROQ9i04mzW to be the first to know when the adventure begins in your area! #GirlScoutsAdventures pic.twitter.com/o4AIeXgSkt
— Girl Scouts (@girlscouts) August 17, 2021
We’re going to print that out and tape it to every box of Adventurefuls we buy. That way we don’t feel so bad when we devour them in one sitting.
Eating brownie cookies guilt-free will really make 2022 a lot better.