As we enter another week of quarantine, this whole COVID-19 lockdown thing feels like the new normal. Most of us are practicing social distancing, finding ways to keep ourselves occupied indoors, and getting creative in how we reach out to friends and family. But that doesn’t mean we don’t mourn the old way of life. Where little things were more easily accessible, there to provide instant gratification.

One thing we really miss? That sweet, simple joy of walking out of a grocery store, seeing a Girl Scout table, and picking up a box (or two or three) of our favorite Girl Scout Cookies. We can’t replicate that exact feeling at the moment, but we can at least fill the cookie void. Girl Scout Cookies are currently available for purchase online!

Here’s a statement straight from the official Girl Scouts website:

To protect girls and communities in the wake of COVID-19, Girl Scouts have suspended door-to-door sales and cookie booths. But you can still buy your favorite cookies online today and have them shipped to your door—or donate cookies and we’ll distribute them safely to provide comfort to first responders, volunteers, and local causes in need.

That’s right: not only can you order boxes of your favorite cookies, but you can send them as a thank you to the service people risking their lives during the coronavirus pandemic.

GSUSA launched this campaign, called Girl Scouts Cookie Care, to keep all of us safe and to provide support and thanks to everyone doing their best during this difficult time. What an amazing gift that truly demonstrates the core ethos of this amazing organization.

You can head over to the Girl Scouts website here to order or donate your cookies. Just enter your zip code, select a location, and the site will provide more relevant information depending on the council you select. All cookie boxes cost $5, and shipping and handling is $12 on all orders of one to 12 packages. That’s a steep price, but keep in mind that it’s to safeguard our communities and the young girls involved in GSUSA.

We can’t wait to kick back with a box of thin mints and enjoy one of life’s little pleasures.

Featured Image: GSUSA