One of the cinematic casualties of this year’s pandemic is Ghostbusters: Afterlife. The sequel to the original got pushed out until 2021. So it’ll be some time before we can all strap on our proton packs again and catch us some ectoplasmic spooks. But there is one Ghostbusters cosplayer and fan who isn’t waiting till next year to celebrate the franchise.
Thanks to Kotaku, we now know about cosplayer extraordinaire Knightmage. This Halloween, he gave us some amazing Ghostbusters cosplay that is simply to die for. His look leads to some great photos which evoke the opening scene of the original 1984 film when the boys try to get the jump on a pesky spectre at the New York Public Library. MORE BELOW THE BREAK.

Knightmage / Blazek Photography
So what was Knightmage’s inspiration for doing this Ghostbusters tribute? “Ghostbusters was one of those “dream cosplays” of mine,” he tells Nerdist. “After putting the costume together I knew I wanted to get some special photos with it. I do a lot of my cosplay photos at the McKinley Memorial Library in Niles Ohio. I love the outdoor architecture.”

Knightmage / Blazek Photography
Knightmage gives us more information about securing the location for his photo shoot. He says:
“It just so happens while doing photo’s of another character, the librarians came out to introduce themselves as they had been secretly watching me do photos for years. They even did some impressive research and wound up finding me online and started following my social media pages. After the introduction I told them about possibly wanting to use the interior of the library for the Ghostbusters photo shoot and they were more than thrilled, even letting me use the library after-hours. All that were involved are extremely proud on how it turned out.”

Knightmage / Blazek Photography
Knightmage, of course, gets to play the Ghostbuster, with the library’s ghost that needs to be properly busted played by Andi Serpenti. The cosplay photographer for these photos is Blazek Photography. You can check out the rest of the photos from this spooktacular shoot down below:

Knightmage / Blazek Photography

Knightmage / Blazek Photography

Knightmage / Blazek Photography

Knightmage / Blazek Photography

Knightmage / Blazek Photography
The next Ghostbusters film adventure might be several months away but cosplayers like Knightmage can always create their own ghost investigations.
Featured Image: Knightmage / Blazek Photography