Dystopian sci-fi film Gattaca hit theaters back in 1997 with a sharp and thought-provoking narrative starring Ethan Hawke, Uma Thurman, and Jude Law. The Andrew Niccol film imagines a nearby future (at that time) where kids are conceived through genetic selection. This process makes sure they get the best traits from their parents. Gattaca touches on concepts of destiny (and denying it through manipulation), human genetic engineering, and how to find yourself in a society that carefully curates your very existence. Critics loved it and, for many sci-fi fans, it still resides on their faves list. Now, Gattaca could be next in line for a reboot at Showtime.

According to The Hollywood Reporter, Homeland creative duo Howard Gordon and Alex Gansa could helm a TV adaptation for Showtime. Of course, there are more confirmations and information to come in the future. But, Deadline reports that this film will take place a generation after the events of the film. People are directing their own evolution, determining the future of their children before they are born (the Valids). And, there is a new underclass that doesn’t hinge on social status or skin color, the Invalids. The series’ protagonist is supposed to be a man with a heart condition who wants to take the identity of a former athlete with superior genes so he can travel in space.
Let’s see what happens with this Gattaca reboot.