News broke this week that the next Star Wars movie to make it to the big screen will come from David Benioff and D.B. Weiss, the showrunners for Game of Thrones. This got our wheels turning. Who will they bring over from the show into their film? Are we going to see Kit Harington in a galaxy far, far away? What about Sophie Turner or Maisie Williams? And then we remembered… There are actually a ton of Thrones actors in the Star Wars universe already. So many, that we felt compelled to make a whole list of them.
There’s one woman largely to thank for this epic crossover of nerdy proportions: Nina Gold, the casting director for Thrones who has also worked on all of the Disney-era Star Wars films. She’s done such a good job of blending these two worlds that we had to give her a shoutout.
With all that said, here are all 14 actors who have appeared in both Game of Thrones and Star Wars.

Emilia Clarke (Daenerys Targaryen) / Qi’Ra in Solo
Yes, the Queen of Dragons herself also played a major role in the Star Wars universe. She was Qi’ra, Han Solo’s first love, in Solo: A Star Wars Story. As with Thrones, she wasn’t as much of a good girl as she first appeared.

Gwendoline Christie (Brienne of Tarth) / Captain Phasma in The Force Awakens and The Last Jedi
Our beloved Brienne also played First Order chrome Stormtrooper, Captain Phasma, in two of the new Star Wars films.

Pedro Pascal (Oberyn Martell) / The Mandalorian in The Mandalorian
This is an upcoming project, but the Red Viper himself will play another fighter-type in the Disney+ series. This time, he’s the lead!

Julian Glover (Grand Master Pycelle) / General Veers in The Empire Strikes Back
Glover is the only Thrones actor who appeared in the original trilogy. In both worlds, he played a bad guy.

Keisha Castle-Hughes (Obara Sand) / Queen Apailana in Revenge of the Sith
Oscar-nominee Castle-Hughes played a Sand Snake on Thrones and Padme’s follow-up queen in the Star Wars prequel.

Jessica Henwick (Nymeria Sand) / Jessika Pava in The Force Awakens
The Sand Snakes are two-for-three when it comes to Star Wars. Henwick also played a Resistance pilot who helped take down Starkiller Base with Poe in The Force Awakens.

Max von Sydow (Three-Eyed Raven) / Lor San Tekka in The Force Awakens
The veteran actor played small roles in both of these epic fantasy worlds. He was Bran’s predecessor in Thrones and an ally of the Resistance who was killed by Kylo Ren in Star Wars.

Ian McElhinney (Barristan Selmy) / General Jan Dodonna in Rogue One
Yes, Ser Barristan was in a blink-and-you’ll-miss-it Star Wars role. He popped up as the new Dodonna in Rogue One.

Thomas Brodie-Sangster (Jojen Reed) / Petty Officer Thanisson in The Force Awakens
The Love, Actually kid grew up to infiltrate the nerd world, as Jojen in Thrones and with a brief part as a First Order officer in Star Wars.

Mark Stanley (Grenn) / Knight of Ren in The Force Awakens
Jon Snow’s Night Watch friend was also one of Kylo’s henchmen in The Force Awakens. We like to call him the Knight of Grenn.

Miltos Yerolemou (Syrio Forel) / Alien in Maz’s Castle in The Force Awakens
Arya’s sword master also had a brief background role as an alien in Maz’s Castle.

Emun Elliott (Marillion) / Major Brance in The Force Awakens
The songster who has his tongue cut out on Joffrey’s orders also had a brief part as a member of the Resistance in Star Wars.

Liang Yang (Oberyn Martell’s stunt double) / FN-2199 in The Force Awakens
Oberyn’s stunt double for his fight against the mountain also played the Stormtrooper who challenged Finn.

Spencer Wilding (White Walker) / Darth Vader in Rogue One
Though James Earl Jones reprised the voice role of Vader in Rogue One, his body was portrayed by two stunt actors, one of them being Wilding, who also played a White Walker on Thrones.
Images: Disney, Lucasfilm, HBO