When it comes to having some cool cruising and crime-fighting gadgets and toys, Batman is really that guy. That’s the benefits of being super rich and deciding to use your free time to chase chaotic people around Gotham. While we love his grapple gun and Batarangs (what a fun word!), the Batmobile is undoubtedly the best of them all. We know this because, well, we ranked every single live-action BatmobileOpens in a new tab. Sleek with a few sweet tools, Batman’s ride rides low, moves fast, and sweeps around a corner like it is on rails. Now, thanks to Warner Bros, there is a limited-edition Batmobile that is fully functional and can be yours for a mere three million dollars.

This vehicle is the latest and perhaps wildest release to celebrate 85 years of Batman’s existence. Here’s a more detailed description of the Wayne Enterprises Tumbler and info about the Batmobile in general:
The Batman brand is the 10th most recognized trademark on earth. The human and aspirational nature of this character’s mythology resonates across generations, geographies, cultures and demographics. The term “Batmobile” was not applied to Batman’s automobile until Detective Comics #48, February 1941. Over the next 8 decades, the car has evolved into one of the most iconic and revered vehicles in motion picture history.
For the car nerds among us, this three million dollar, fully functional Batmobile boasts 6.2-litre LS3 engine from GM with 486FT lbs torque. It weighs 5,511 pounds and is slightly over 9 feet wide, so good luck getting that into a standard parking space. For comparison, the average car is about 5.8 feet wide and a semi-truck is 8.5 feet wide. I do imagine that anyone who can afford this vehicle would not take it for a quick spin to Target. If they did, they would have to contend with the police because while this vehicle is functional, it is not street legal.
Anywho, if you are that richy rich person I’m talking about, you can apply for your sweet new Batmobile hereOpens in a new tab. You better move fast because there’s only ten of them!