Fan Art Friday #106 – K-2SO, Scully, and More by Liana Kangas

Let's celebrate the end of the work week with some art, shall we? Liana Kangas reached out to share her fan art with me and I was smitten faster than you can say ooh and aah. She takes characters she likes from pop culture and interprets them with her distinct style in dreamy watercolors. Look how dang snazzy Rogue One's K-2SO looks: LK K2S0

K-2SO (Rogue One) I like this fan art. The captain said I had to. Just kidding: Cassian's directives don't sway me in any particular direction. You can head on down to the gallery to be enchanted by more of Liana's portraits. You'll find Scully from The X-Files, Doctor Who's Tenth Doctor, and more. Keep up with her art on the regular by following Liana on Instagram, and if you want to see additional illustrations and maybe add some of them to your home, visit Liana on Etsy. Do you create any sort of fan art? If so, I want to see it. Whether you focus on a specific fandom or pull inspiration from multiple stories and mediums, I'd like to highlight what you do. If you're interested in being featured in a future edition of Fan Art Friday, get in touch with me at with examples of your work. I'm not limited to traditional 2D art, so if you have crafts or bean art or whatever, share it. If you're not an artist, feel free to email me with recommendations for Fan Art Friday!

Images: Liana Kangas