Have you heard the siren song of the fall yet? As the days get shorter and pumpkin spice lattes make their way back into stores, it’s hard to resist. So unearth your scarves and sweaters, dig out your apple pie candles, and get ready to make the most out of your autumn this year! This awesome ‘Fall Foliage Map,’ which we first spotted on PetaPixel, will help lead the way. The map, which tracks the turning of fall leaves, will help you figure our when the trees are at peak autumnal colors in your area. Let’s take a look

Smokymountains.com has helped put together this convenient map. While no map is perfect, the site cautions, this ‘Fall Foliage Prediction Map’ serves as a guide for leaf-peeping hopefuls. It can be hard to tell when the peak-leaf season has arrived, especially for those who don’t naturally live around a lot of nature or for those who want to see the glory of autumn at its absolute peak.
As the map shows, fall foliage is a fleeting experience. The colorful season only lasts about three months in total. And, on top of that, locations can be either ‘minimal’ or ‘past peak’ depending on the time. Catching leaves at their absolute finest is an art but also a science.

The map is straightforward to use. Simply eye your location and move the slider over to a specific date to see the colors change. A simple color code signifies each stage of the fall foliage. This map is always pretty cool because it shows all of the continental United States. Have you ever wondered which states get to see the leaves change and which don’t? Well, now you know. (Hint: Basically, all states experience some color change, although some foliage seasons are shorter than others. Of course, regional greenery also plays a role.)
The site also walks interested parties through why leaves change color and what happens when they fall.
Overall, going to see the fall foliage is an incredible activity. But a question that’s always on people’s minds is “When are the fall leaves at their peak.” And that may have been a hard question before… But now you can plan ahead and see the leaves at their fullest!
Originally published on August 26, 2021.