To quoth the Raven, costumes based in puns are utterly fantastic. I may be paraphrasing. Still, I think the Raven would appreciate maker Beth Grimes' Edgar Allan Poe Dameron costume. Grimes debuted the poet and Star Wars mash-up at CONvergence and got attention from attendees and then the internet at large with this photo by Madeleine Vasaly:
Grimes has been into costumes and makeup since grade school and has been cosplaying at conventions since 2009. She told Nerdist about her interest in puns and how they infiltrate her life. For example, her cat's name is Catsian Andor. Yep. Grimes serves on the board of directors for the International Clown Hall of Fame and Research Center and said she and her friends are always thinking of visual gags to use in shows. She's put her pun costume skills to the test before with a Garth Vader cosplay, a mash-up of Wayne's World's Garth and Darth Vader, and Purple Rey, a combination of Prince's Purple Rain and The Force Awakens' Rey.
Purple Rey
She came up with the Edgar Allan Poe Dameron concept shortly after wearing Purple Rey, but she didn't start construction until the day before the convention. Grimes started with found items. "I was frantically going to thrift stores and army surplus to find pieces. I found a Poe-worthy black wig, a black flight suit, some vintage military boots, and several men's webbed belts to use for the leg harness. I found a plastic electronics case and a vacuum hose to use for the chest box and covered with with foam core and spray painted it. I attached white suspenders to it for straps," she said.

Featured Image: Madeleine Vasaly