Do Your Worst in This New Disney Villains Board Game (Exclusive)

Start practicing your over-the-top evil laughter, because DisneyOpens in a new tab and Wonder Forge want you to be the best worst villain you can be with their new release. We’re happy to exclusively reveal the upcoming tabletop game Disney Villainous. Ah-ha! Ah-ha! Ahahaha…ahem.

In Wonder Forge’s Disney Villainous, you’ll take on the persona of classic Disney baddies MaleficentOpens in a new tab, Ursula, Jafar, Prince John, Queen of Hearts, and Captain Hook. Each villain plays a different role in the game, so you’ll have a number of unique experiences to discover and even more of that evil laughter to practice. (We know you tried King John’s adorable guffaw after you read “Ah-ha!” above.)

Each player has a Villain Guide with iconic Disney art and their own game board, and the journey they take across it changes the story being told. Along the way, the villains will send their minions to do their bidding, find out what the story has in store by drawing a card, actually triumph over the heroes, and, perhaps best of all, mess with their fellow villains’ plans by using Fate cards. Navigate around the board and the other players’ machinations to reach your own nefarious goal and win the game.

The family-friendly tabletop game is for ages ten and up and two to six players. On your next family game night, instead of being met with shrugs when it’s time to pick the game, Disney Villainous will make it an easy choice. This is one of those rare board games has something that appeals to every player around the kitchen table.

Disney Villainous will be on store shelves at Target, Walmart, AmazonOpens in a new tab, Barnes & Noble, and your favorite local game store on August 1, 2018, for a suggested retail price of $34.99.

Who is your favorite Disney villain? Tell us why in the comments.

Images: Wonder Forge / Disney