Daft Punk’s TRON Score Livens Up STAR TREK: THE MOTION PICTURE in New Fan Edit

TRON: LegacyOpens in a new tab may not exactly be one of the best worst movies of the past few years, but it’s got one of the best soundtracks. It’s not that Disney’s 2010 follow up to the 1982 original is all that bad really–it has some very cool visuals, and some interesting moments–but it is simply not worthy of the truly transcendent musical score it received from electronic music legends Daft PunkOpens in a new tab.

via GIPHYOpens in a new tab

Having grown up with the original TRONOpens in a new tab film, the duo poured their hearts and souls into this project. What resulted is one of the best scores for a modern big budget movie in recent memory, and one that I listen to quite often (hoping that something like it might someday score a live-action Batman BeyondOpens in a new tab film).

Now we’ve learned via RedditOpens in a new tab that a fan and Vimeo user named Patrick CollinsOpens in a new tab has taken this excellent score from a sub-par film and coupled it with… another sub-par film with an excellent score, namely 1979’s original Star Trek: The Motion PictureOpens in a new tab. While the first Star TrekOpens in a new tab movie is beautiful to look at, it’s extremely long and slow, and quite frankly pretty boring. Collins created a 22-minute edit of the film with the late Jerry Goldsmith’sOpens in a new tab score taken out, and Daft Punk’s TRON: Legacy score in its place. The result: Star Trek: Legacy.

You can see the entire Star Trek: Legacy fan edit film down below:

Star Trek: LegacyOpens in a new tab from Patrick CollinsOpens in a new tab on VimeoOpens in a new tab.

Not to knock on the brilliant Goldsmith’s original Star Trek film score, but the Daft Punk soundtrack from TRON: Legacy gives the film a sense of urgency it simply didn’t have before. As a lifelong Trekker I hate to say this, but while 22 minutes is a lot shorter than its two-hour runtime, this is actually an improvement.

What do you all out there think of this fan mash-up? Are both films best left alone, or do you find this to be an improvement? Chime in with your thoughts down below.

Featured Image: Nick AcostaOpens in a new tab

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