Cosplay Friday #201 – MASS EFFECT, DESTINY, and More by Nebulaluben

A Twi’lek, a military commander, and a sorceress walked into the same place. It’s not a joke with a bad punch line, it’s just another week in Cosplay Friday. The focus of this week’s gallery is Laura, a.k.a. Nebulaluben. The Spain-based cosplayer focuses much of her making efforts on ensembles inspired by her favorite video games and Star Wars. I’d say it’s a winning combination. Her skills run the gamut. She can sew, style wigs, and paint and weather material. Her armor crafting abilities are on point in this FemShep costume:

Commander Shepard (Mass Effect 3) | Photo by Jesús Clares

If you stop by these parts regularly, then you know the drill: there are more costumes in the gallery below. Get to scrolling! You’ll see two Star Wars ensembles, a Destiny Hunter, and Morrigan from Dragon Age. When you’re ready to view Nebulaluben’s complete portfolio, go give her a follow on Instagram and/or Facebook.

Do you cosplay or take photographs of cosplayers? Then I want to see your work so we can talk about highlighting your creations in a future Cosplay Friday gallery. If you’re interested, please get in touch with me at and send hi-res photos you’d like me to feature. Be sure to provide credits for the cosplayers or photographers for each image because giving credit is good manners–bonus points if you include links to relevant Facebook pages or websites. Though I wish I knew all the geek franchises, I don’t, so please let me know who or what is being cosplayed.

Images: Courtesy of Nebulaluben, featured image by Jesús Clares

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