You Can Call CONSTANTINE (Again) On This Silly New Automated Number

This piece contains mild spoilers for Legends of Tomorrow episode, “Meet the Legends”

Remember when NBCOpens in a new tab launched their Constantine show that horribly wasted Matt Ryan and ignored the character’s sexuality? Well, if you do, you’ll likely recall the automated number the network created to allow viewers to call the occult expert that was sporadically reactivated as he journeyed into The CW and his new team, the far more fun Legends of Tomorrow.Opens in a new tab Looks like Johnny Boy is apparently still open to staying in touch with the public, or at least his new assistant Gary is…

A business card reads John Constantine & More with the phone number 646 396 8703

The CW

If you haven’t watched the newest episode of Legends of Tomorrow and want to go in entirely blind, you should probably stop reading now. But if you want to know the story behind the new voicemail message that surfaced after the episode aired, venture on! During the mockmentary-style first episode of the fifth season of the popular show, we got a glimpse at the new status quo of the Legends who have become celebrities after their exploits at the end of the last season.

When the filmmakers caught up with Constantine, he was on his way to an exorcism and most importantly for this particular story, had a new assistant named Gary (Adam Tsekman) who viewers might recognize as the Time Bureau agent who has a big crush on Constantine. As Gary gets us up to speed—he made a wish to a fairy godmother which is how he became John’s assistant—he flashes a business card which reads “John Constantine & More” followed by the phone number 646-396-8703.

Matt Ryan as John Constantine


Quick-witted fans realized that there might just be someone on the other end of that number and began to call… and they were right. We called John Constantine & More, because who doesn’t want to chat to a sexy Scouse demon slayer, and were surprised to hear the over excited tones of Gary. In case you don’t want to risk calling the mystery number we’ve got a full transcription below:

Gary: “You’ve reached John Constantine’s Demon Defeaters and More! If this is a true demonic emergency and you’re in immediate mortal peril, you’ve called the right number. Unfortunately, we’ve stepped away from the phone, so you’ll have to leave a message. And remember, our merch shop is now open! So get your official John Constantine’s Demon Defeaters and More t-shirts, with original artwork by Gary Green. Also, to whoever’s been prank-calling us and muttering infernal curses, it’s scary, and it’s making me wet my bed, so we ask to stop.”
Constantine: “Gary?! Why do we have all of these boxes of t-shirts?! Did you take my credit card again?”
Gary: “Gotta go! Leave a message!”

via GIPHYOpens in a new tab

Sadly, by the time we called the mailbox was full so we never found out whether or not Gary or John would have gotten back to us. It makes us feel worried for all the people who really need an urgent exorcism or a little dark magic, but hopefully Constantine and More will get back to them when they can.

Header Image: The CW