Coca-Cola Cinnamon and Sprite Winter Spiced Cranberry Coming for Christmas

There are lots of sweet treats we associate with Christmas, like sugar cookies and eggnog, or candy canes and fruitcake. When it comes to soda, however, the only thing that comes to mind during the yuletide season are those old Coca-Cola commercials featuring polar bears and Santa Claus. A can of Coke isn’t really something we crave when we’re opening up our presents. That might change this year, though, because the company is releasing two new flavors designed for those cold December nights. As a bonus: they are super weird. Get ready for the gift of Coca-Cola Cinnamon and Sprite Winter Spiced Cranberry.

The food news Instagram account Candy Hunting was the first to announce (in a report we originally learned about at Delish) that two brand new wintry flavors will be available in U.S. stores ahead of the 2019 holiday season. The first, Coca-Cola Cinnamon, is not entirely new, as a Coke Zero version was released in the UK last year where it had plenty of fans. As Candy Hunting points out, that might be because it isn’t as bizarre a mixture as it might seem. Coke uses a brown spice flavor in its base recipe.

As for the other flavor, we have no idea what to expect, because Sprite Winter Spiced Cranberry sounds like it was created by a random word generator. Will that stop us from asking for it on our Christmas wish list? No, not even a little bit.

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Keeping the winter theme going, new Winter Spiced Cranberry Sprite will be out for the holiday season!

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Elite Daily reports both beverages will hit stores on September 30 before leaving on December 31, so they are limited to the Christmas season.

And really, how bad can they be? Can’t be any worse than fruitcake and that always shows up during a Christmas feast.

Featured Image: Coca-Cola

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