Buffy Slays in Fan Art Friday

There’s never a bad time for adorably drawn fan art, but Fan Art Friday truly is the ideal place for showing it off. This week is all about Susan Curry of Susan Curry Design, an artist and animator with a cartoony style I can’t get enough of. She has a unique take on characters from films and television, and I think we should start with a look at her version of Buffy from Buffy the Vampire Slayer.


Buffy the Vampire Slayer

I adore Buffy for obvious reasons, but would you look at this Poe? I like to imagine that the cat he’s holding is none other than Millicent. Sidenote: I really need someone in Star Wars to have a pet tooka cat.


Poe Dameron

And look at Leia, Rey, and Jyn!

A post shared by Susan Curry (@susancurrydesign) on

Keep scrolling down to the gallery to see more of Susan’s art. You’ll find Moana, a rather terrific piece inspired by Mulan, and more. Venture over to her Instagram feed to keep up with all her latest llustrations.

Do you create any sort of fan art? If so, I want to see it. Whether you focus on a specific fandom or pull inspiration from multiple stories and mediums, I’d like to highlight what you do. If you’re interested in being featured in a future edition of Fan Art Friday, get in touch with me at alratcliffe@yahoo.com with examples of your work. If you’re not an artist, feel free to email me with recommendations for Fan Art Friday!

Images: Susan Curry