Our First Look at Bryan Cranston’s Zordon in POWER RANGERS!

Ever since it was announced that Bryan Cranston would be taking on the role of Zordon in the new Power Rangers reboot we have been waiting on pins and needles for our first look at the former New Mexico Meth King in big, blue head form. Well that waiting officially came to an end today thanks to a sneaky Reditor and this year’s Consumer Electronics Show. The Qualcomm booth at CES featured a Power Rangers VR experience that offered participants a little face time with the Z-Man himself. Thankfully one of the attendees snapped a pic of the screen.Admittedly the image is a bit blurry, but it still offers some intriguing insights into Zordon’s appearance in the final film. For one thing, it looks like the filmmakers aren’t straying too far from his design in the original show—which actually comes as a bit of a surprise. The film’s redesigns of everything from the Ranger suits to Alpha 9 have been pretty extreme, but here they seem to be sticking to the classic big, blue floating head aesthetic. (We can also see that he appears to be trapped in a ring of glowing green rocks.) Since we know in this version Rita Repulsa will be portrayed as a former Green Ranger gone rogue and Zordon will be a former Red Ranger, it stands to reason that he probably got imprisoned in that cave during some epic battle a few million years before the events of the film.

But what do you guys think? Are you excited to see a actor of Cranston’s caliber play Zordon? And what do you think his backstory will be in the movie? Let us know in the comments.