It’s safe to say fans are eager for any and all details regarding the still officially untitled Avengers 4Opens in a new tab. Perhaps this fevered pitch would be alleviated if Marvel would share any real intel. Instead, directors Anthony and Joe Russo appear to be enjoying their newest hobby: trolling fansOpens in a new tab. They’ve invited viewers to waste countless hours searching for clues that were probably never there in the first place. But now, fans have noticed one of the Russos’Â Avengers 4Â teasers may have featured a new weapon for Iron Man. Today’s Nerdist NewsOpens in a new tab is unleashing our superior tech to get the latest answers![brightcove video_id=”5850526460001″ brightcove_account_id=”3653334524001″ brightcove_player_id=”rJs2ZD8x”]
Join host Jessica ChobotOpens in a new tab, now serving as interim Stark Industries CEO, as she zeroes in on an image which appears to show Iron Man’s proton cannon, which he famously used in the Marvel vs. Capcom video game series. That may initially seem like a reach, but the object in question is actually in Avengers: Infinity WarOpens in a new tab during War Machine’s reunion with Captain America and the renegade Avengers.Opens in a new tabThere’s no guarantee that the weapon glimpsed in Infinity War is the proton cannon, but since the Russos released a picture of it within their teaser, it suggests that particular device will have some significance in the film even if it isn’t actually a weapon. The last time we saw Iron Man, he was stuck on Titan with Nebula. So perhaps his old buddy War Machine will use this device to help Tony Stark get home.War Machine also used the proton cannon in the Marvel vs. Capcom series, so it could just as easily be one of his weapons as well. But if it really is used in the film, we’d love to hear them shout “Target acquired, Proton Cannon!” It’s so ridiculous it might just work!What do you think about potentially seeing Iron Man’s Proton Cannon in the Avengers 4? Let’s discuss in the comment section below!
Images: Marvel/Capcom