Game of Thrones returns for its final season this Sunday, April 14, and our cups of excitement are overflowing. Soon, every last question we have will be answered, all of our characters will get their resolutions, and every theory will finally be laid to rest. Except, of course, that whole business of Varys possibly being a mermaid.
If you’re like Nerdist’s Dan Casey and can’t stop thinking about what’s really going on under Varys’ robes, you’re in luck! Our Game of Thrones recap show, All Kings Considered, returns this Monday, April 15. Upon return, the series will sync us up once more to all of the goings on in Westeros, no matter how scandalous (and given that it’s Westeros we’re talking about, you know most of the goings on will be pretty darn scandalous).
The odds that we’ll see Dan’s wishes come true for Varys to take his rightful form as a merman in the eighth and final season of Game of Thrones are, in a word, low. But the All Kings Considered team will have plenty more to get excited about, as the forthcoming stretch of feature-length episodes promises to shock us in myriad other ways.It’s been almost two years since we rallied these troops to dissect an episode of Game of Thrones, given that 2018 was a dragon-less hellscape of a year, so you can bet that whatever the series throws as us in its final season, no matter how vexingly bananas it may end up being (don’t get us wrong—we’re optimistic, but also just trying to be prepared), you can bet it’ll be a lot of fun to talk about.
So after you’ve traded heated post-viewing reactions with your friends at home on Sunday night and before you head into work on Monday morning for some more measured chats, tune into All Kings Considered to hear our thoughts, mermaid-related or otherwise.
Watch along on Nerdist’s YouTube channel or the Geek & Sunday Twitch account this Monday, April 15 at 12 p.m. PT.
Want to shore up on your Game of Thrones lore? We’ve got you covered with this comprehensive guide to the History of Thrones.