The coolest and scariest extraterrestrials in cinematic history are without a doubt the xenomorphs from the Alien franchise. Even forty years after they first hit movie screens, the design of the creature by artist H.R. Giger remains the stuff that nightmares are made of. But sci-fi fans all over the world absolutely love them. Now, via Geeks Are Sexy, we’ve learned about a way to keep those iconic Giger aliens close to you at all times, with these amazing custom iPhone cases.

An Etsy seller called Nvrlndesign has outdone themselves with this Alien-inspired case. Made to fit several iPhone models—iPhones X, 6, 6S, 7, and 8—the case looks uncannily like the creature haunting Ellen Ripley for forty years now. We’re not entirely sure just how easy this one is to carry around with you, but it’s so darn cool looking that it’s worth being a little extra cumbersome. Hopefully, the creator of these cases eventually makes some that fit more modern iPhones, as well as Androids and other smartphones and tablets.

Nvrlndesign has other cool iPhone cases in their Etsy shop that are worth checking out. Including ones based on pop culture IP like the Marvel and DC Heroes, as well as several for Sailor Moon. But this Alien one is hands down the most impressive.

The Alien franchise wouldn’t be half as cool (or terrifying) with the memorable designs of the late H.R. Giger. The Swiss artist was hired by Ridley Scott to create the nightmare-inducing looks for the xenomorphs for the first Alien film back in 1978. However, studio heads found the designs too scary (and too phallic) and initially declined to use them. Giger’s xenomorph designs only remained after Scott intervened. And rest is history. Thank goodness one man had such beautiful nightmares!
Featured Image: Nvrlndesign