ADVENTURE TIME: ELEMENTS Take Finn and Jake Back to Ooo

Finn and Jake’s adventures in Adventure Time aren’t over yet. Although they’ll return to the Land of Ooo in an upcoming eight-part miniseries, Adventure Time: Elements, nothing will be quite the same. Ooo isn’t what it was while they were away at sea. It’s more bizarre–yes, it apparently could be more bizarre. You can get a glimpse at how much is different in the above video featuring the opening titles, and in this photo:


This is the third miniseries for the show, and I’m happy they’re taking these short jaunts into the world before the ninth and final season theoretically arrives in 2018. They provide the opportunity for one-off arcs and some backstory exploration. By taking the Land of Ooo and flipping the cozy, candy-bright location on its head, the potential for weird and striking visuals is on the table. Plus, I like anytime Finn and Jake get quest buddies, and Elements will team them up with Ice King and Betty.

Adventure Time: Elements will kick off on April 24 and air through April 27 (you’ll get two episodes a night). But that’s not all! Before the miniseries premieres, you can catch an all-new episode of Adventure Time on April 21 at 7:45p.m. The episode, titled “The Orb,” shows Finn, Jake, and BMO falling under the influence of a mysterious orb after their time in Islands.

Does the thought of more Adventure Time have you putting on your Finn hat and waiting patiently in front of the TV? Head to the comments and let me know if you’ll be tuning in to these new installments.

Images: Cartoon Network