Bars where you can play pinballOpens in a new tab and arcadeOpens in a new tab games have been popping up all over for the last several years. Since our last list of pinball bars and arcadesOpens in a new tab was published, we’ve heard about a few new places outside of the United States that are certainly worth visiting. Next time you’re traveling the world, be sure to play some pinball and arcade games with the locals at these spots.
Hungarian Pinball MuseumOpens in a new tab in Budapest, Hungary
Image Credit: Pbal Gallery / Hungarian Pinball MuseumOpens in a new tab
The Hungarian Pinball Museum in Budapest features over 130 pinball machines as part of their permanent and interactive exhibit. This pretty much seems like the coolest museum ever. Whether you’re a pinball newbie or expert, you’ll love the experience.
The Silver Ball PlanetOpens in a new tab in Osaka, Japan

Image Credit: The Silver Ball PlanetOpens in a new tab
With dozens of machines, The Silver Ball Planet is a must for any pinball-obsessed traveler. With a huge selection of games and a laid-back atmosphere, you might end up spending your entire trip to Osaka here.
BartronicaOpens in a new tab in Melbourne, Australia
Image Credit: Bartronica / FacebookOpens in a new tab
With not only a ton of pinball games but also tasty beer and cocktails, Bartronica in Melbourne is one of the coolest looking arcade bars on the list. With a rare and fresh rotation of machines, you’ll want to keep coming back to this spot!
Denizen HallOpens in a new tab in Edmonton, Alberta
Image Credit: Denizen Hall / FacebookOpens in a new tab
Denizen Hall is a perfect combination of a nightclub, pub, and arcade. Whether you’re just looking to play some games or want to mix up the night with some dancing, this is the spot in Edmonton for you. Plus they have game giveaways, theme nights, and delicious-looking eats. Sounds like the perfect place to camp out for a fun night!
Forgotten WorldsOpens in a new tab in Melbourne, Australia
Image Credit: Forgotten Worlds / FacebookOpens in a new tab
Forgotten Worlds not only features arcade games, but also movie nights and drink specials. Plus, they’ve got music and craft beer. Socialize while enjoying a variety of arcade games the next time you find yourself in Melbourne.
What did we miss? Let us know your favorite local pinball and arcade bars around the world!
Featured Image Credit: The Silver Ball PlanetOpens in a new tab