The recent trailer for 28 Years Later has fans of the franchise buzzing for many reasons. First there’s the ongoing speculation that Cillian Murphy will appear in the film as a zombie version of Jim considering there’s one in the trailer who looks just like him. But fans are also ready to go back in time and check out 28 Days Later, the apocalypse film that started it all. Unfortunately and strangely, 28 Days Later isn’t available on any streaming platform and you cannot purchase it on DVD nor Blu-ray. That’s such a bummer considering there is obvious renewed interest in the film. Thankfully, Sony Pictures is making 28 Days Later available on digital beginning December 18, and it’s available to preorder on digital today.

There’s currently a link to sign up to get notified about the preorder. While this is good news, it does speak to the merits of owning physical media in today’s streaming age. If something leaves streaming for whatever reason(s) and goes out of print, you can have the comfort of knowing that you own it and can watch whenever you feel like it. Either way, having the chance to own a digital copy of 28 Days Later is a step in the right direction, even though having it streaming would rock too. Maybe a physical copy with commentary and other goodies will come in 2025 as we get closer to 28 Years Later’s release.
As mentioned, 28 Days Later will become available on digital on December 18.
Originally published on December 11, 2024.