There are good reasons to remake movies. Sure, many are shameless cash grabs, but sometimes a filmmaker has a unique spin offering new insights, or a story has something timely and meaningful to say about the modern world. There are also movies that are fun to see with different casts and modern technology. But some films are already perfect and timeless, and the thought of remaking them isn’t just weird, it’s downright infuriating. That list includes The Princess Bride, a beloved classic that only gets better with age. So when the possibility of a remake was floated this week, the internet responded with righteous (and for once correct) indignation, including from some people who have an even bigger connection to it than fans.
Sony Pictures Entertainment CEO Tony Vinciquerra says that “very famous people whose names I won’t use” want to redo Norman Lear’s ‘The Princess Bride’
— Variety (@Variety) September 17, 2019
Variety‘s report that “very famous people” want to “redo” The Princess Bride went over about as well as killing Inigo Montaya’s father. People do NOT like the idea.
The THOUGHT of remaking The Princess Bride is literally-and I’ve been alive a long time-the stupidest thing I’ve ever fucking heard.
— Swishergirl (@Swishergirl24) September 18, 2019
They’re remaking The Princess Bride. Hollywood loves to crush all that you cherish. …Time for a glass of wine.
— Tipsy Bartender (@TipsyBartender) September 18, 2019
Instead of remaking The Princess Bride, why not power blast the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel and have Banksy give it a new look.
— NotKennyRogers (@NotKennyRogers) September 18, 2019
Twitter: everyone is my enemy, we will never have peace!
Hollywood: I think we should remake The Princess Bride
Twitter: TONIGHT WE RIDE AS ONE— Brian Stevenson (@Ashitaka1110) September 18, 2019
I like that in these chaotic times we can all put aside our differences and agree that no one should remake The Princess Bride
— Rachel Paige (@rachmeetsworld) September 18, 2019
I want their names RIGHT THIS MINUTE, TONY, and I want them all hauled before the nearest court of public opinion. Blasphemy!
— Adam Proteau (@Proteautype) September 17, 2019
My promise to anyone who does this: “Your ears you keep, so that every shriek of every child shall be yours to cherish—every babe that weeps in fear at your approach, every woman that cries ‘Dear God, what is that thing?’ will reverberate forever with your perfect ears.”
— Dr. Jessie Christiansen (@aussiastronomer) September 17, 2019
— Fluent in Sarcasm (@jokork9) September 17, 2019
I love that this is such a reviled idea that we can’t name those involved, I assume for their own safety
— Erica Henderson (@EricaFails) September 17, 2019
But it’s not just moviegoers who are aghast/ready to riot at a remake. Some of Hollywood’s biggest stars want nothing to do with it either.
I would never dare.
— Seth Rogen (@Sethrogen) September 17, 2019
Oh really? Well, I married the six fingered man, obviously why we have stayed together for 35 years and there is only ONE The Princess Bride and it’s William Goldman and @robreiner’s. “Life is pain highness. Anyone who says differently is selling something!”
— Jamie Lee Curtis (@jamieleecurtis) September 17, 2019
But the ultimate word on the matter came from Westley himself, Cary Elwes, whose reaction captured the feelings of so many.
There’s a shortage of perfect movies in this world. It would be a pity to damage this one.
— Cary Elwes (@Cary_Elwes) September 18, 2019
A remake of The Princess Bride might not be inconceivable, but it should be.
Featured Image: 20th Century Fox