Of course one of the most exciting things we saw was Eleven–though we saw nothing more than a quick shot of a portion of her face–along with a retro Eggo commercial, because you can’t have Eleven without Eggos. But on a larger scale, it looks like killing the Demogorgon last season didn’t exactly rid the world of evil and monsters as completely as we would have hoped. In fact, it looks like things in Hawkins have gotten a hell of a lot worse, especially after the teaser showed us that crazy glimpse of a dark, red sky and some horrible, giant monster creeping just outside of Will’s front door (the internet is already speculating on what that monster is). Of course, Will’s been struggling a bit since his return from the Upside Down, so it is possible that it’s only in his head. Regardless, we know from our adventures with Eleven and the way the Upside Down interacted with our plane of existence that the evil in the Upside Down isn’t afraid to bleed into our world when given the chance.[brightcove video_id=”5313101063001″ brightcove_account_id=”3653334524001″ brightcove_player_id=”2bfa565b-5412-4cfd-9211-6269880b8a5e”]And if that isn’t enough, it also looks like Mike, Lucas, and Dustin will also be taking up a bit of ghost-busting. It’s unclear if the boys are just dressed up for Halloween (that is when season two premieres, after all) or if they’re working on expanding their resume of supernatural creatures they’ve hunted. Regardless, October cannot get here quickly enough! Bring on Stranger Things season two!What did you think of the teaser? What are your season two predictions? Tell us in the comments, and don’t miss our round-up of everything we know about Stranger Things season two so far.
Feature Image: Netflix/YouTube