If you had to guess -- without looking at any numbers, of course -- what modern console is selling more than any other, you'd probably say that it's the PlayStation 4. It's just accepted that Sony's console is the most ubiquitous one around, and concrete figures prove that this is definitely true: Business Insider reports that the PS4 is winning the console wars, and that it's doing it in a landslide. From its North American launch on November 15, 2013 to June 30, 2017, the PS4 has sold about 63.3 million consoles, which puts it pretty far ahead of its competition. Microsoft doesn't report sales numbers for the Xbox One, but it's estimated that it's sold somewhere in the neighborhood of 30 million units. So yes, less than half. As you'd expect, both are super far ahead of the Nintendo Switch, though, which has sold about 4.7 million consoles since its launch in March.
[brightcove video_id="5469582353001" brightcove_account_id="3653334524001" brightcove_player_id="rJs2ZD8x”] As Business Insider notes, there are several reasons why the PS4 found its way to the top and stayed there: It was the cheapest console at launch, it's a versatile machine that can do a lot more than just play games, and it has some strong exclusive titles. How does the PS4 stack up historically, though? It's the sixth best-selling console of all time, behind the PS2 (about 155 million consoles), original PlayStation (102 million), Wii (101 million), Xbox 360 (84 million), and the PS3 (83 million). Considering all of those were released before 2007, the PS4 is off to a pretty darn good start. Are you a PlayStation 4 owner? Do you think it will ever join the 100 million club? Let us know what you think in the comments below!
Featured image: Pete Slater/Flickr