The second reign of Russell T Davies as Doctor Who showrunner has wasted little time. Fittingly. From announcing new Doctor Ncuti GatwaOpens in a new tab to the intriguing teaser for the 60th anniversaryOpens in a new tab, Davies has done more promo for the show before his even airs than the previous regime did in toto. Hell, under Davies we know the show will air globally on Disney+Opens in a new tab! Now, as part of the UK’s annual Children in Need telethon, we know who Gatwa’s first companion will be. Say hello to actor Millie Gibson, who will join the series as companion Ruby Sunday.

Ruby Sunday is perhaps the most RTD name in history. Has a very “Rose Tyler” ring to it. Gibson is only 18, which makes me feel about a million years old. However, this roughly puts her the age of Rose when she joined the TARDIS in 2005. But now I’m just 17 years older, is the problem. Anyway.
According to the official announcementOpens in a new tab, Gibson will join some time next year once Gatwa officially takes over. Speaking of her new role, Gibson said:
“Whilst still being in total disbelief, I am beyond honoured to be cast as the Doctor’s companion. It is a gift of a role, and a dream come true, and I will do everything to try and fill the boots the fellow companions have travelled in before me. And what better way to do that than being by the fabulous Ncuti Gatwa’s side, I just can’t wait to get started.”
Gatwa had this to say of his new co-star:
“Millie just is the companion. She is full of talent, strength, she has a cheeky sparkle in her eye and is sharp as a razor. From the moment she walked into the room she captured all of our attention with her effervescence and then solidified that attention with the sheer torque of her talent. This adventure is going to be so wild and so fun, I cannot WAIT to sail the universe with Millie!”
And Davies, his typical tease-happy self, had this to say:
“It’s the great honour of my job to find the next generation of talent, and Millie shines like a star already. She’s brilliant, dynamic, clever and a wonderful actor. As a Coronation Street fan, I’ve seen Millie survive chases, guns and sieges, but that’s nothing compared to what lies ahead for Ruby Sunday.”
The report also confirmed that David Tennant’s new Fourteenth Doctor would star in three specials to coincide with Doctor Who‘s 60th anniversary after which time Gatwa’s Fifteenth would take over. 2023 is close, but we don’t know exactly when the specials will air. I guess time—get it?—will tell.
Kyle Anderson is the Senior Editor for Nerdist. You can find his film and TV reviews hereOpens in a new tab. Follow him on InstagramOpens in a new tab and LetterboxdOpens in a new tab.